We had a small group today but spent a very happy time together! In thinking about happiness, "friends" came out at the top of all of our lists. So for those who couldn't make it, we hope to seeing you next time. <3

Since the theme was inspired by the UN Day of Happiness, which was in turn inspired by the 4th King of Bhutan, who in 1972 declared that “Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross Domestic Product,” here are a couple of reading recommendations from and about this Himalayan nation:

Agay Phurba and the Dancing Cranes, a lovely illustrated story written by 15 Bhutanese youth about this endangered species and the man who has cared for their habitat for 40 years (free to download):


Radio Shangri-La: What I discovered on my Accidental Journey to the Happiest Kingdom on Earth, by Lisa Napoli

A Field Guide to Happiness: What I learned in Bhutan about living, loving and waking up, by Linda Leaming

And, Denise shared this spectacular animated short film entitled "Spring." It made my morning!


Happy Equinox, First Day of Spring & World Happiness Day to you all.


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I also promised to share the poem I wrote from our creative prompt:

Happiness is...

Happiness is everything we've


Ethereal and practical,

effervescent and a quiet


that settles in the bones

Happiness is sharing and

being heard

with care and without


Happiness is a field of flowers

rippled by the wind

A bending, flower faces gazing down

at the ground

Returning, casting eyes

toward the sun

The company of other faces

all around,

moving, waving, standing


accompanied and known

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